Change your life

for the

better, forever.

[The 444 exercise] is one that I developed to help my clients stick to their routines,” says Wilkes. β€œEssentially, I have 4 things I have to do every morning, 4 things I have to do throughout every day, and 4 things I do before bed. My four morning musts are 1) make my bed, 2) take my vitamins, 3) wash my face, and 4) meditate.

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Are you overwhelmed by overthinking?

Do you struggle to make decisions confidently?

Do you want to manifest your dreams, but you just don’t know how?

If you said β€˜yes’ to any of those, you’re in the right place.


Hi, I’m

I’m a Human Design reader and certified life and spiritual coach.

But most important, at one point, I felt just like you.

My spiritual journey has been long and rarely easy–when I thought I finally β€œhad it figured out” I learned that I had barely scratched the surface. Breaking down is what it took for me to finally have my big breakthrough.

My method is all about using Human Design to get to the root of what is holding you back, breaking it down while building you UP at the same time. I completely transformed my life when I surrendered to the process of getting to know myself deeply.

Now I’m here to help you do the same.

What is human design?

Human Design is a metaphysical system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, and the chakra system.

It involves generating a personalized chart, called a Bodygraph, based on an individual's birth date, time, and place. This chart provides insights into the person's unique characteristics, decision-making processes, and potential life path, offering a framework for self-discovery and personal growth.

Human design is a personal compass for transformation and growth.

Here’s why Wilkes Wellness uses human design as the backbone of its coaching method

  • Precision and personalization: human design provides a detailed map of your individuality, offering insights into your strengths, opportunities for growth, decision-making style, and so much more. It offers high detailed and personalized information based on your specific birth date, time, and place.

  • Efficient energy utilization: understanding your unique, energetic hardwiring allows you to optimize your energyβ€”showing you where your strengths may be lying dormant and your opportunities for growth can be nurtured.

  • Focused goal setting: human design emphasizes your specific strategy and decision-making processβ€”this clarity expedites and hones your desires into goals while simultaneously giving insight to how you will most effectively meet them

  • Identifying blocks and challenges: human design fosters deep self-awareness, giving you a guide to explore your strengths, weaknesses, and unique gifts. The unique make-up of your chart highlights potential challenges and areas of resistanceβ€”by addressing these specific blocks early on, you become ripe for growth and expansion.

  • Holistic approach: Human design looks at you as a whole personβ€”considering how all aspects of your being can be alchemized into something useful in creating your unique contribution to the world. It allows a tailored approach to the growth of your mind, body, and spiritβ€”it’s the most comprehensives approach to personal growth available.

  • Transformative results: Human design not only provides priceless insights into why you are the way you are, but also practical tools, strategies, and insights that extend beyond what any other approach could possibly offer.

Why human design?

  • What is human design?

    1. Human Design is a metaphysical system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, and the chakra system. It involves generating a personalized chart, called a Bodygraph, based on an individual's birth date, time, and place. This chart provides insights into the person's unique characteristics, decision-making processes, and potential life path, offering a framework for self-discovery and personal growth.

    What will we cover in my first session?

    1. Energy type (how your energy is uniquely hardwired

    2. Strategy (how you most successfully make things happen)

    3. Authority (how you make decisions confidently and clearly)

    4. During the last ten minutes of your call, we’ll discuss how to continue working together 1:1!

    What takeaways will I get from my first session?

    1. You will come away from your session with a deep understanding of why you are the way you areβ€”but best of all, you’ll feel empowered in it. Not only will you have gained invaluable insight into yourself, but you’ll have implementable tools to start using that information immediately. Many people leave their first reading with clarity on how to use their energy more efficiently, combat overthinking, make decisions more confidently, initial actions in and making their manifestations come true.

    Get Started Today

  • Unlock your true potential with 1:1 coaching. In this completely personalized journey, you’ll work closely with Katie to explore the unique attributes revealed in your human design chart. You will gain insights into your strengths, decision-making style, and authentic self. You’ll learn how to use your energy efficiently, make decisions confidently, and manifest effectively. It’s time to transform your life with precise and personalized guidance, tailored support, and practical actions designed just for youβ€”your journey to a more fulfilled life starts here.

    1:1 coaching is the most high-touch option to work with Katie. It includes an in-depth introductory session, bi-weekly coaching sessions, Slack support, complimentary access to the Wilkes Wellness membership, and more.

    Your unique human design is at the center of all of Katie’s coaching decisions. No two coaching relationships are the same, just as no two human beings are the same. You’ll receive a personalized and structured series of coaching sessions, in which you work closely with Katie to uncover your authentic self, connect to your gifts, and explore opportunities for growth.

    Get Started Today

  • What is 1:Many Coaching?

    1. Whether you want guidance in your partnership, family, or another 2+ group, using Human Design will illuminate group dynamics, aid in honing communication styles, and highlight each person’s strengths.

    How does it work?

    1. Each member will get a 1:1 session, followed by a series of group and breakout sessions, based on the unique needs of each member.

    2. In group sessions, each member will learn relevant pieces of others’ charts to uncover unique dynamics, improve communication, and foster deeper connections.

    3. Ultimately, as a group, you will address individual needs while promoting collective growth, ensuring every family member feels understood and valued.

    What can groups of 2+ expect?

    1. Optimized Team Dynamics: Gain insights into each member’s strengths and weaknesses to enhance collaboration and effectiveness within the group​.

    2. Improved Communication: Understand diverse communication styles and preferences, leading to clearer and more effective interactions among group members​.

    3. Aligned Goals and Strategies: Develop collective goals and strategies that leverage the unique talents and natural inclinations of each group member, fostering a more cohesive and productive team environment​.

    4. Whether you want Katie to guest-coach a group container, hold a workshop for your retreat, or create something for an event or gathering, we will design something that works for you.

    What can couples and families expect?

    1. Enhanced Communication: Understand each other’s communication styles to reduce misunderstandings and improve clarity​.

    2. Stronger Relationships: Appreciate each person’s strengths and weaknesses, fostering empathy and respect within the relationship.

    3. Personal and Collective Growth: Align with true selves for individual happiness, and leverage each member's strengths to achieve shared goals.

    Get Started Today

  • In this personalized coaching program, entrepreneurs and business leaders discover how to align their business strategies with their unique energetic blueprint using human design.

    Whether you're a CEO or new entrepreneur, you'll gain invaluable insights into your natural strengths, decision-making process, and communication style. This self-awareness allows you lead with authenticity and optimize your business for making both profit and meaningful impact.

    With tailored guidance and actionable insights, this coaching offer equips you with the tools you need to thrive in today's competitive landscape while staying true to their authentic selves.

    Learn More


* Testimonials *

Are you

ready to

Stop the cycle of overthinking and overwhelm

Connect to your intuition and make decisions confidently

Know you are on an aligned path and how to stay on it

All without the
overwhelm of
spiritual information